Wechat Group
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As a member of CITANZ, you are eligible to access our mmeber only Wechat channel.
Please scan the following QR Code to add our CITANZ support member.
Please provide your CITANZ ID, and full name to verify your membership status.
For example:
CITANZ-001, Alex Li
Please update your Wechat name aliase to follow the format below:
Full name - occupation / areas of focuses;
Alex - Web Developer
When you are a part of the our CITANZ Member Wechat group, it's time to say Hi to everyone!
You could start with a short intro like this:
Bob Zhao, 之前国内做java服务端以及web开发,这边在Springload做React-native 相关开发,兼做些testing 工作。平时爱好🏃!希望跟大家多交流,共同学习和进步!